Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Crazy group pictorial disorder....

Just an apology for my dear bloggers out there as i made you guys a promise that i was gonna update my blog after my first day in class. Due to some unknown reasons, yes unknown:D i wasnt able to write anything..*seriously, i didnt have time to update or maybe..maybe was just plain lazy..hehe after all, first day is and has always been very stressing..thats only when you dont know anyone or anybody in the class..
So enough with my excuses and lets proceed(Note: Bloggers, i hope you guys have noticed it too that my english have deteriorated abit..sigh)

Anyways, lets start with how my first day went by okey?:D..

My class was gonna start at 11.30am and i was still in my room changing, and fixing my hair and it was 11am already. As i noticed the time, rush hour mode was implimented:D:D..So i quickly finished up, checked all doors if all were locked. Then went for my normal school stroll:D( i like how it sounds okey?:D)

Got inside SLU at about 11.22 and i did not even know which building i should go to:D hehe thats a true Luisan for ya! i asked the good'ol guard which building is the CHS..and you know what he said?

Guard: Oh im sorry but i dont know which building..

And i was shocked, shocked to my amazement of how a Security Guard doesnt know the whole place,seriously he should just quit his job or find a new one:D(I know im mean:D)..So i just said my thanks and moved on..Luckily one student pointed out which building i should go to, and he kinda had this annoyed look pasted on his if it was a bad thing that i didnt know where the building was(hey moron, freshman ya know, freshman:D i know a manual was given but i dont think it has a map in it now is it???)..moving on..

So finally i was inside my college's building and immiadiately searched for the room im supposed to be assigned to. Much to my surprise, there was quite alot of students crowding around the room i was looking for..Heh:D the room hasnt even opened yet and it was around 11.47 already..And during our orientation, they were preaching us about tardiness, lazyness, absentness of the sort..and here we are, a late teacher:D it was abit funny though..

Finally our english teacher came and it was almost 12 already..we all got in, did some introductions and then word pronunciations which was somehow weird in a way(it can't be help i guess,some students cant properly pronounce some words..dont worry, im proud of you guys for trying:) seriously, i am..its good to try ya know atleast you'll know yer mistakes)..anyways,after our english class, lunch break!:D
*skip, skip skip skip*

So now im back to SLU and our next class was MATHS!:D wooohhaa!! So excited,except no teacher came:D:D and their telling us about tardiness:D:D hahaha its hilarious..So we basically just talked and talked and talked, met some new friends.

Next class was Logic, our teacher was around 50ish i think and he was telling us about life philosophy and he was a SEXIST!:D:D hahha seriously this school is getting more and more interesting everyday:D He was like asking a guy who was a homosexual, about his gender..i mean how stupid is that?! DUH! His Male!!..sigh..*skip, skip, skip and skip* (Only writing interesting parts okey? Not all:D)

Second Day...I was LATE FOR SCHOOL!!:D:D hahaha and thank god i wasnt alone:D:D hehehe 3 of us good students were late:D another Luisan bonus ehh?:D:D so we waited and waited till the Filpino subject finishes so we 3 can get in
okey i think im gonna hit the sack now..*yawn* sorry bloggers didnt have enough sleep lastnight, i can barely keep my eyes open as im writing this blog..hehe atleast i tried:D:D goodnight people.
PS: Hubgezzzzzz!!!!!! nyyaaahhhaaa

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