Saturday, June 7, 2008

Cold water placement..

Hello bloggers:D:D this is my first blog update since i've moved here in Baguio so enjoy..or not..up to you..which ever you want..

So lets start with my room kay:D its big:D very big cabinet and no table, just a double decker type of bed inside the room:( its kinda lonely in a way, considering the place is big and im all alone:(..sad i know but its a whatchimaculit challenge to live alone without your parents to cook and simply be around..**wait im not alone, i live with a guy..his my so called housemate eh..**:D:D but were not sharing the same room okey:D he has his own bedroom and we both share the cockroach infested kitchen, which i took care of already:D and the bathroom is okey, not so dirty and not so clean either..

Anyways, the only problem i have is that i have to take a bath using a freakin, freezing, dammmmm coooollllddd water!!! seriously cold..and i have no fu***ng heater..was hoping i'd get use to it but no luck so far, its still cold, daamm cold..

Here i am in this place called Zola Cafe:D its like weststreet back in wireless internet connection but you gotta order to use it:D so yea..its kinda dark outside considering its only 3.30 in the aft:) weird but cool..

Yesterday, i had my school orientation and it was dammm boring, i almost fell asleep actually..some dude talking about being a Luisian(thats what i am now) is good and transform your spirit and all, the rest is just a blllaaaa to me, wasnt listening..And then some students did some dance performance and a shadow act or whatever, that was basically the only fun part of that orientation..After that whole boring orientation, i got my I.D:) hehehe..

So thats basically whats been up with me since i got here in Baguio..ohhh wait i have this friend called Rex:) a really nice guy:) thats about it..

So bye bye bloggers..My school starts this Monday, so i'll be updating this blog after my class..So look forward to it :D im sure you guys are gonna enjoy my next update:D BYE now bloggers:D See ya:D

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