Monday, March 31, 2008

Mee Goo-ringu Montage..

Dont you guys get alittle irritated if someone wakes you up in the middle of a nice long sleep you have been craving about and then someone takes it away from you when you're indulging yourself in it? It seems to me more and more times its happening to me. And not only that, you want to enjoy a nice good breakfast when you just woke up especially when someone made an ass of your sleep, but then again you'll be denied of such luxury?!. Seriously, WHAT THE HELL IS A BREAKFAST WHEN YOUR FREAKIN PLATE IS EMPTY!? None to eat! No food!! Nada!!..sigh..They need a serious arse-kickin!!

Thats basically how my day started, you could say its a wonderful day eh?! Anyways, right after the whole breakfast disaster i sat down on the sofa, turned my laptop on and started surfing the netsea:D hahahha..As i was doing my own thing, workers around the house were doing theirs too. Demolishing, hammering down concretes and taking down windows after windows of our house. good, kind-hearted cousin decided to make snacks for our hard working workers, she made mee-goring!( we bought alot of those from Brunei, two boxes i should say) owww thats so nice of her, until she ate half of it!! Seriously, how stupid is that?! She made them for the workers but ate half of em?! Its an amazing human trait, stupidity! We have like dozens of noodles waiting to be cooked, why cant she cook a new one for her?!...sigh...i dont get it at all..

With all the debacle happenings, i was kinda down ya know but my little bro and my dad saved me from that depression:D hahhaha i laughed so hard when i saw what happened!? My brother wanted to play basketball with my dad, so my dad happily agreed..My brother passed a throw to my dad and my dad passed the ball back except, my brother ate the ball with his face!! hahhaha It was so funny!! It wasnt intentional ofcourse but had me laughing for hours..and my brother actually told my dad " I dont like you! Dont talk to me!" and he actually did not talk to him for hours..Thats my 6 years old brother for ya! hahahhaha

Night approaches and i was a little bored plus my butt's alittle soar, been sitting infront of the laptop for god-knows how many hours and i skipped dinner..Anyways, everyone was asleep and everything's so quiet, didnt hear any barks from my dogs and both of these dogs are usually noisy especially at night. And the moon was crimson red:D it was nice and eerie at the same time. So i went to our little so-called hut in our garden and just sat there, staring at that beautiful moon..I dont know how long i was outside but eventually i went back inside the house, closed my laptop and be done for the night.

I peacefully closed my eyes, drifted into the darkness and fell asleep.

I blogged again bloggers!! Laterz!

1 comment:

RAE OH. said...

AHHHHH. i miss you na dude! didnt tell me yo were in pinas na! i'm going there tmr~ pass me your number on msn. :) ingats!