Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rave's raveyness set public!

HELLOO!!! Hahhaa i seriously cant believe im blogging right now..You know when u cant see urself doing something, u just dont wanna do em..bloggings one of them..Anyways, it was Iza's idea for me to start blogging so yea..i always thought of blogging as something, not so sit infront of your laptop/computer and start typing craps you did the present day or the day before..Sooooo now im one of those people who blogs, read other people's blogs and what-not..IM A BLOGGER now!!..

Anyways, i slept really late lastnight probably because was watching this so called anime, yes i love anime! So what huh?! Got a problem with that hom'es?! As i was saying, got lost track of time and before i realized it, it was 5.30 in the morning..sigh..did i mention i was waging a war before i got sucked in this anime i was watching?! Yeap war! Not just any war, u know the kind of war were u take casualties then right after that, you guys sign a Peace-Treaty. Cool huh??!(i love you babe:D) If you dont know what im talking about, it's love fights, LQ, Love wars and watever names u can come up with..yes! now u get it!!

So i woke up at 12.30, not my usual wake-up-time but i freakin woke up anyways..My room was like an oven, shit i was sweating in my sleep for gods-sake! I wanted to go to my parents room and sleep there( they've got an AC) but my mom....."Get your lazy-ass out of the bed and start helping moving the windows out of the room!!" Yeap, thats what she said. Very motherly love wouldnt you say?? Hahaha i love you mom..

I just wish it'll snow here!! God its freakin hot i tell ya..I actually went out with my dad to our so called farm field to measure the land. It was hot! Blazen firey hot!! Its hot okey!(Feel my burn please) we were suppose to measure it once right(duh!) but my good,dependable in measurement dad made a mistake with his we had to do it again(i seriously hope u guys feel the burn)..sigh..

Anyways, thats what's up with me so i'll blog again later..See ya laters, bloggers!:D:D

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