Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blog entry...last entry..

Yeap im taking this blog down with cheers to do those who actually read any of my sorry i wasted some of ur time and u can never get it back. So now im closing this down..

Thank you people.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Over at last.(and so i thought)

The fight is over. Only an empty field of despair remains. For the seed of new beginning has yet to grow.

How i wish i could say that to myself. But im still unsure or rather im actually still fighting inside. And i hope that it would just end.

Let me rest. Let me be able to fill the void inside me.

I know i know..the post doesnt make sense at all. I actually i wanted to write that the fight inside me was over..and as i started writing..i realized it wasnt over yet.


I guess its just a random post.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Leaving Baguio with a head throbbing.

So should i say i left with grace or with disgrace? hmmmm well watever..

Anyways, i stopped school and left Baguio for good. I'd say i left for a very reasonable reasons..College is just too dangerous for me right now, well in Baguio anyways..and for other particular reasons..

So we had a little party..well a drinking party actually..Redhorse, Bora(emperador+coffee+milk), Blue gin..and i think der was another drink but i cant remember so yea..ohh and did i mention i was the only guy around:D:D hahaha

Well, 6 girls and one guy..who wouldnt wanna be in my sit huh??:D:D man it was great as in really great..hahaha im just not close with guys so yea..being close with alot of girls is very good..hahha yes i know, im showin off..but hey its not like im fooling around with them kay..well its not like i cant do it..more like i dont want to..hahahaha for now i value more about my friendship than my eagerness to fool around..LoL..nyahaha

Did i mention that someone confessed about how she wants to fill that hole inside my so-so called heart?(i just found out that it can never be filled,im sorry) Well that part was very very in really..i mean like, everyone was talking, laughing and it was so noisy..then out of the blue she started crying, then silence....then the confession...woaahh..that was really unexpected..Unexpected because who would have thought that someone would actually fall for me, after all the dramas i've been through..hmmm she was probably just drunk..

Anyways, i said what i needed to say to her..but mind you, it felt like my heart was being ripped open seeing her cry..I DO NOT LIKE TO SEE A GIRL CRY..yea! Im so sorry..really sorry..she does actually know that ders still that someone who still occupies my wrecked heart(i seriously dont wanna say 'heart')

They told me that they learned alot from me..about my ways..and i seriously dont know what else:D but oh well..i'd gotta say its actually the opposite..without them, i'd have completely screwed my life up. As in really fucked it up..well its semi-screwed up at the moment..Semi..

So we drank till around 1am in the morning..i guess its safe to say that all of us were drunk..just right drunk..sent everyone home, then slept at my aunt's place.


As you've guessed bloggers..i had a few drinks..not afew but alot actually..hahahah night nightz..
*Does anyone even read this blog* hmmmmm watever..goodnight.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Merry Christmas and a crappy New Year!

Okey i know its delayed..but i've been really busy lately and i got alot of things to take care of now im still busy and im trying my best to update this so called blog of mine..

Christmas at first was supposedly fun but it all turned out to be a disaster when my friends came over at my dad was so pissed about it because where the heck am i gonna put 16 people in my place..different kinds of alcohol and bottles were house turned into a barhouse for god's sakes..all stereos were at full volume and we were so freakin noisy..eventually we got kicked out of the house:D:D hahhaha..

Anyways, we continued outside the garden..and 7 of my friends were sleeping outside..and the rest i have no idea:D:D hahhaa..and in the morning all of us had to do a very stupid "General Cleaning" nyahahaha and seriously it was a dad wouldnt even speak to me:D

okey im tired now..i'll update post again soon:D:D


Takecare bloggers.

Have fun!