Monday, April 14, 2008


Wouldnt you feel angry, sad, hurt and disappointed if someone lost something sooo very important to you?? Something that is a symbol for a love that you would want to last forever..

She lost it..something i had given her.but she lost it..I really dont know what kind of emotions are running inside me..but all i know is, she lost something which is very very important to me..She's actually the only girl i've given something this so important to someone but then again, she lost it..Even I, myself cant explain this overwhelming emotions going thru me right now..why and how?? Questions running thru my head..but i cant find the answer..could it be signs..or what not..But i dont believe any of those..but what?

That was a proof of my love which i would want to last, something which is not now what? What would you do? What kind of decision would conclude? I myself dont know except to drink myself just to be excluded from a reality which i dont want to be in..


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