Monday, April 14, 2008


Wouldnt you feel angry, sad, hurt and disappointed if someone lost something sooo very important to you?? Something that is a symbol for a love that you would want to last forever..

She lost it..something i had given her.but she lost it..I really dont know what kind of emotions are running inside me..but all i know is, she lost something which is very very important to me..She's actually the only girl i've given something this so important to someone but then again, she lost it..Even I, myself cant explain this overwhelming emotions going thru me right now..why and how?? Questions running thru my head..but i cant find the answer..could it be signs..or what not..But i dont believe any of those..but what?

That was a proof of my love which i would want to last, something which is not now what? What would you do? What kind of decision would conclude? I myself dont know except to drink myself just to be excluded from a reality which i dont want to be in..


Monday, April 7, 2008

Going down under

Its 8:03 in the morning, and im still awake, havent slept yet..Too much to think or rather not tired at doesnt matter..

Anyways, i saw the best sunrise just a few hours ago and it reminded me of how much you love the sunset. And how you would take pictures of clouds in the sky, to show them to me, comparing them which one looks better and the windy afternoons we spent together. Im just saying whats in my head right now..I dont even know why im blogging now actually but oh well..

Im off to bed and i'll be asleep the whole afternoon i yea..

Bye bye bloggers!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Depression in action..

Like what the title says..sigh..So depress today and im sure i'll still be tomorrow..I've got no will to write more blogs..sigh..

I hope im still alive tomorrow..goodnight bloggers..

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Talk people! Talk!

So finally i have my own talking box..I just set it up today without your help iza!! hahahhaha!!

So talk to my talking box people!!

Laterz Bloggerz!!

Money body Confetti

Do you guys have money problems?! Yea i know, a really dumb question..Most of us do. And infact half of the world has money problems or maybe is the root of all evils after all, NOT!! I love money, period!! hahahhaha

Anyways, my dad had given me two days to think about how much money would i need to last for a month in college. I've basically reached my time limit so yea..and i still dont have a clue to how much i would need, i cant just give him any amount..So i need alittle help here "How much money would i need to last for a month during college?" Ask yourself that.. Pls give me an answer..I need help here...

So now im fat. Yeap fat, big belly and a wide face. Thats right im fat. So what i did right after i woke was i worked my ass off. Did some sit-ups, push-ups and my house specialty, the OVEN-SWEAT-YOU-CAN workout(Its really hoooott!!) They say its good to sweat and it kinda makes you lose weight. So i did em all and was really tired after that, i mean i just woke up and i was tired already..It would have been really nice if i could sleep but i decided not to and instead i went online. Chatted with my micheku:) and ended up somehow deviated with each other, so alittle explainations and we were okey:) hehehe..Right after that, was in front of the laptop the whole time and eventually it was dinner time already..Had dinner but i seriously ate so little, im actually on a diet for pete's sake!!

After dinner, i fed my two dogs(Sparky and totoy bibo) with some meat and rice and carried a few buckets of water for my mom and dad because of the stupid plummer didnt do his fu**ing job properly, i had to turn off the water supply for my house because it'll leak somewhere(thats what my dad told me)..

So it was bedtime already, my mom went to bed first then my little brother then later my dad. The thing is, this three always and always they go to bed together. So i guess there's something wrong right, hahhahaha since my dad went to bed last i guess my mom and dad are not really okey(If my dad stays behind that means he did something wrong which pissed my mom off:) i hope they'll be okey tomorrow..

And...i blogged again!!! Sigh...So goodnight my fellow bloggers! Laters bloggers!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Accidental Renewal

Have you guys ever felt like, for example your holding your most treasured vase and suddenly it slipped out of your hand but before it actually hit the ground/floor, you've made it just in time and caught it. During the incident you felt scared, panicked and those other inexpressible feelings and then a sudden rush of relief. Just like how you would feel when you've lost someone but in the end u didn't.

Baby, if you're reading this you know what im talking about:) i love you.

This is just some random post..Laters bloggers!