Sunday, November 16, 2008

a week to remember..

Pheww finally a post..its been awhile i guess..its a special week entry so we go..

09/11/08, Sunday- 6.20pm

Just woken up from a really long sleep..feeling abit woozy and kinda heavy on the shoulder. Felt like shit to summarize that and a broken/bruised right fist. Skipped two meals so was really hungry but i ate so little, my stomach wasnt ready for food intake that i stayed in bed, staring at my phone hoping for something to happen but im not really sure what it was..

Probably an hour passed, i got up then went to the kitchen to look for food..some fried chickens on the table, sat down and ate. Left the dishes on the sink and went back to my temporary room, then dragged myself to the bathroom. Had shower.

Alot of things went thru my head..couldnt be bothered anymore..i felt like shit anyways so i just savored the soft beating of water over my head. Sat down on the bathroom floor, dont know why i did that..Few minutes later, got up and washed, dried myself. Changed.

All day i was feeling so gloomy..didnt have the mood to do i went back to bed. Tried to sleep but i couldnt..later that night called dustin thru skype..and just talked, freakin guy was drinking:)

10/11/08, Monday- 1.46am

At about 2am, took a shower again and got ready to leave for Baguio. My uncle who drives a motorcycle picked me up, sent me to the bus station. Waited for awhile then got on a bus.

Tried sleeping during the trip but i still couldnt and i still have class at 7.30 in the morning. Arrived in Baguio at about 6.15am, then to the apartment at about 6.30. Still have alot of time to spare so i opened my newly bought book and started reading. Then eventually went to school at about 7.15.

Chris was late, so chatted with the DOTA boys..Clarence was in the good mood that day, he tried cheering me up but failed, but its okey. Thank you.

A new math teacher came in, his abit on the weird side. Looks like a nerd, lame when he makes a joke, but funny because his lame. Didnt do much during class, thank god the teacher was just so into his so called story coz it was really painful to write anything.

After class, went back home and rested for awhile. Next class was at 5 so i've got alot of free time. Actually took the liberty of cleaning the whole apartment..sweeped and mopped the floor, took the garbage out then remade how my room looks like.

4.34pm, went to class..nothing interesting to tell really..then after my last class which was at 7..went home, i ate and then i slept.

11/11/08, Tuesday- 8.45am

Woke up..still have the most depressing feeling ever, hanging around my shoulder. Went straight to the shower, didnt even bothered or cared how freezing the water was..Dressed myself up, no breakfast, straight to school.

Had P.E class at 7.30, was assigned as a leader for group 4. Just about that i guess.

Then had class at IT class, we only did basic typing. After class went home and slept.

Woke up at about 6.14 or around 6.20pm i think..anyways, was so i made myself dinner and ate. After that, went to the store and bought two bottles of jumbo redhorse.

Was really in a good condition that night, finished both bottles and straight to bed. Was actually watching Madagascar 2 but i forgot what it was all about due to alcohol:)

12/11/08, Wednesday- 10.47am

I missed my 7.30 class that morning, i felt like so fucked up..bad headache, stomache ached. I threw up twice..first was just the food i ate the night before..second was very unexpected, it actually scared the crap outta was blood, quiet alot actually and it felt like my throat was being ripped out. I actually just stared at it, stunned at the amount of blood i puked out. It wasnt suppose to be that much..hmmmm

That day, i didnt eat at all..except a few biscuits and coke.

Went to class at 5 then finishes at 7. Went home depressed.

Im gonna stop here now..gonna sleep for awhile then wake up at 2am to get ready for the trip back to Baguio.

Night night bloggers.