Wednesday, May 28, 2008

i miss you..

sorry bloggers, this is not the long-uber-update im posting:(..

This is something which none of you can understand or maybe there might be some who can..

Just a few hours ago, i sent my girlfriend to the airport..Its not just you're usual ' i send you to the airport, then i'll see you again' stuff, its deeper i should say or more like something which is you cant explain by just mere words..

Its my first time actually, someone who can actually truly see the meaning of your life and someone who had been there for quiet sometime and someone you've grown to love..actually in-love, in the airport and seeing them leave. It hurts, more like painful in a way, which you cant even begin to understand the pain. So i saw her off anyways.

Had a few friends with me in the airport..dana,lyn,dust,aini,jovs and derwin to see the girl who i can safely say that i am actually in-love with. Past the freakin security personel who checks your passport and boarding pass and then closes the door which cuts the view from her. I couldnt see her anymore, i couldnt hear her anymore. It was very depressing to see her off..

Dustin cried, im not surprised though..he had always been a crybaby like mich..both of them actually, unlike me. Me,dust and mich, together for five years,very close with each other for five years and then slowly, all of us goes our own seperate ways. Sad dont you think? But i know its only the beginning of something new. I almost cried but not exactly, just had a few tears accumulate but not ready to drop yet..i know myself, im not really the crying person type ya know..but my heart was crying was painful to see her go.

Before she left, she gave me an empty bottle of our favourite drink which we always ordered everytime we were in Weststreet, Esprit(Raspberry flavour) thats what its called. With a letter rolled inside it. Read it and somehow, something became very emotional inside me..hhahaha weird right..I actually gave her a small blue penguin-like stuff toy which had a sad face shown on its face, which inturn actually looked like me:D..well thats what mich said:D and i liked it.

Right now, im missing her touch..the way she touched my face with both her hands, the warmth of her palm against my face makes me feel like im a baby, her baby. And those very lovely lips that she has, i want them, i want them against mine..and those feelings i felt everytime we kissed, i cant even begin to explain by just words.."magical", "wonderful", "nice" "good" or something, no words can explain those feelings you've given me everytime we were one.

Right now, my only wish would be that you'll stay safe and that you'll never ever forget me. hehehe how can you anyways, its Rave were talking about here:P i love you. And that, we'll be both successful in the future:D and both of our dreams would come true:) you know what they are baby..

Im sorry bloggers, not the update you've been expecting..right now, im just full of emotions running thru me..Actually, i would say thanks to my friend called "Vodka" because without it, i dont even think i'll be able to write this blog right now..

Going to bed bloggers, drunk ravey out. Goodnight and Sweetdrinks my fellow bloggers. Nytynytz